... and  you could provide hooks so that the billing/sales/inventory
systems could all be separate "modules" of some sort,
and you could add/swap out modules as they're needed...
and perhaps have them communicate thru XML/SOAP, so
that they could be on different hosts altogether.  :-)

There's a million things you could do, that's the beauty
and curse of knowing how to program... too many projects
and ideas, not enough time.

Scott Hurring
Systems Programmer
EAC Corporation
scott (*) eac.com
"Jay Blanchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [snip]
> Computer Science student (yes, that's me...) by giving him some ideas on his
> final year project very possible involving PHP and SQL...
> [/snip]
> How about a billing system? Accepts orders, processes invoicing, tracks
> customer trends and habits, has a method for tracking "aged" bills (over 30,
> over 60, over 90, etc.), a method for collections, etc. Billing systems can
> be quite complex and require extensive planning, they must tie in with
> inventory systems, sales systems, etc. You could do the whole integration.
> HTH!
> Jay

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