I have no idea what that means, sorry :)

My point for wanting to do this isnt because I really want to make a list of
the home teams or whatnot. But obviously, at some point, I am going to have
to learn how to split different bits of information, how organize them in
certain ways, in certain orders etc. So if i can figure out how to get PHP
to select the certain bits of info, and then organize them, say,
alphabetically, that will teach me how to write some syntax, to use a few
different functions and to begin how to set variables.

in 85 when i had the old Apple IIe I was able to do stuff like this with the
if A$=whatever then goto ...  type stuff and it was easy back then. Now i
realize PHP is not BASIC, nor am I a little kid anymore, but the basic idea
of what i'd like to learn to do is there. So if i can just get used to
working with it, then it will come


Adam Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> You can use PHP and file() to do with, along with the str functions, but
> if I were you and you already know what the filename of the file is you
> are working on (or can submit it via a form) I would use the unix command
> cut to do the operations on the file.  Use another exec() or system() and
> have it run cut -d | -f 4 yourfile.txt and then return you the output.
> Adam
> On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, Chad Winger wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply :P
> >
> > I found it actually. Now I have the apache and php running, and am able
> > run my aforementioned test script locally. I am still looking through
> > manual now for the syntaxes and such. I am also looking on the web for
> > simple prewritten scripts to run and then try to dissect and
> >
> > With my little test "script" I've written, there are a few things I'd
> > to be able to try to do with it that I think would help my learning
> > go on more smoothly, but i cant seem to figure out, what functions to
> > begin to try to use.
> >
> > I'll give an example.
> >
> > This is the result of my little "test" script as printed into a txt
> >
> > |Serie C2 Round 2|09.09.02|20.45|Sangiovannese|Florentia Viola
> >
> > So if i fill out the form again, and resubmit, i might get something
> > this:
> >
> > |Serie C2 Round 2|09.09.02|20.45|Sangiovannese|Florentia Viola
> > |Serie C2 Round 2|09.09.02|20.45|Gualdo|Florentia Viola
> >
> > So for example, lets say I wanted to make another html form that has a
> > field for List team by: and and select either "home" or "away" ... by
> > selecting "home", the browser would print out the following:
> >
> > Sangiovannese
> > Gualdo
> >
> > so now I need to figure out how to get PHP to do the following:
> >
> > #1 look at each line in the text file and treat it individually
> > #2 select the data after the 4th | from each line
> > #3 print it back to the browser
> >
> > It's simple things like this that will get me going. I know for guys
> > you, it would take about 3 minutes to type that up but to me its a
> > tough trying to figure out how and where to use what. This manual isnt
> > most well put together in my opinion, its tough to locate things. So if
> > someone or something would say to me"well for that operation, you need
> > create function_whatever, then run a so_and_so then I could go to the
> > manual, and then learn how to write it. So this is my problem right now,
> > basically not knowing WHAT to learn first.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > Thanks again
> >
> > -Tree
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Jay Blanchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Newsgroups: php.general
> > To: 'Chad Winger' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 3:01 PM
> > Subject: RE: [PHP] Re: Cry for help
> >
> >
> > > [snip]
> > > As far as Apache is concerned, I looked at the website, yet couldnt
> > the
> > > exact server software, so if you could provide me with a direct link
> > > appreciate it. It would be to my benefit however, if I could not only
> > serve
> > > myself html pages as http:// but also as file:// as internet costs
> > are
> > > ridiculously high (no unilimited $24.99 2/7 packages here yet)
> > > [/snip]
> > >
> > > When you install apache locally (on your own system) you will be
> > > pages as http:// locally. Should help you to cut down on those unreal
> > > internet costs.
> > >
> > > What OS are you running now? Give us that and we can point you to a
> > >
> > > HTH! Peace ...
> > >
> > > Jay
> > >
> > >
> > Jay Blanchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > 001901c25a5c$797161c0$8102a8c0@000347D72515">news:001901c25a5c$797161c0$8102a8c0@000347D72515...
> > > [snip]
> > > As far as Apache is concerned, I looked at the website, yet couldnt
> > the
> > > exact server software, so if you could provide me with a direct link
> > > appreciate it. It would be to my benefit however, if I could not only
> > serve
> > > myself html pages as http:// but also as file:// as internet costs
> > are
> > > ridiculously high (no unilimited $24.99 2/7 packages here yet)
> > > [/snip]
> > >
> > > When you install apache locally (on your own system) you will be
> > > pages as http:// locally. Should help you to cut down on those unreal
> > > internet costs.
> > >
> > > What OS are you running now? Give us that and we can point you to a
> > >
> > > HTH! Peace ...
> > >
> > > Jay
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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