Enable oci8 extension

Maxim Maletsky

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"Subodh Gupta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote... :

> I checked up phpinfo().  It does not have oracle listed.  What do I need to
> do now?
> Subodh Gupta
> Tata Consultancy Services.
>                     "Faisal                                                          
>                     Abdullah"             To:     "Subodh Gupta" 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,                    
>                     <faisal@magnif        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                
>                     ix.com.my>            cc:                                        
>                                           Subject:     RE: [PHP] error connecting to 
>                     28/10/2002                                                       
>                     03:21 PM                                                         
> "undefined function" means PHP doesn't know where to get the function from.
> You probably didn't configure oci_8 libraries correctly.
> Try phpinfo(), and see under the configuration.
> Check whether oci8 is available.
> Regards
> Faisal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Subodh Gupta [mailto:Subodh.Gupta@;seepz.tcs.co.in]
> Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 5:18 PM
> Subject: [PHP] error connecting to oracle.
> Hi all,
> I get the following error while trying to connect to oracle.  Please help
> me.
> Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  ora_logon() in c:\program
> files\apache group\apache\htdocs\one.php on line 5
> Subodh Gupta
> Tata Consultancy Services.
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