I'd say RTF is a format you're going to be able to come to grips with
quicker than .doc -- just take a look at the source of a word doc -- it's
pretty obscure!!!


on 31/10/02 1:01 PM, Maxim Maletsky ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Guys,
> The other day, one of my clients asked me this very tricky question:
> "Can we also use that XML data for making MS Word (.doc) files?"
> Our system is designed to produce XML output independently to then later
> transform it into HTML with PHP/XSLT and PDF with FOP. Now, the client
> also wants MS Word.
> I doubted he could, but my intuition suggested me to research on it.
> Without any luck so far.
> Does anyone know if there is any possibility doing it? I looked on web
> but did not really find anything.
> So, questions are:
> 1. How doable is it creating a MS Word file from XML data being based on
> Linux?
> 2. Can XSL do that somehow combined with somewhat?
> 3. Any relevant experiences and case studies? Anyone?
> 4. Articles? Web resources? Discussions?
> 5. A wild guess: can simple XSL be outputted with MS Word specific
> output headers/meta tags to then let MS Office do the rest? (client-based?).
> I found something about Smart Tags but got soon compatibility doubts.
> Thanks,

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