> I don't think the process is an extra step at all. In fact, it's just a
> trade off using one or the other. You can either login using php and a
> database backend or just authenticate using .htaccess directives.

> On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Chris Shiflett wrote:
>>>There is a way to supposedly do this by authenticating
>>>a username and password through php first through such
>>>methods as database lookups and then passing the
>>>username and password through $PHP_AUTH_USER and
>>>$PHP_AUTH_PW using the header() command to point to the
>>>URL of the .htaccess protected directory but I have
>>>never gotten it to work myself.
>>The variables $PHP_AUTH_USER and $PHP_AUTH_PW are available
>>to you when the user authenticates via HTTP basic
>>authentication. Thus, the user has already had to type in
>>the username and password into a separate window, which is
>>what the original poster is trying to avoid.
>>To then send the user to another URL and supply the
>>authentication credentials in the URL itself just creates
>>an unnecessary step.

In fact you could combine .htaccess AND $PHP_AUTH cause its
all depending on apache. Apache is looking for the variables
AUTH_USER and AUTH_PW ... not PHP ... PHP just send this via
header() and the Apache result is copyd to PHP_AUTH.

That way you could use an PHP file to build the login page
and an .htacces file to define the restrictions

use something like

<FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|png|htm|html)$">
  require valid-user

to restrict access to the specified files and note that the
data of the .htpasswd must be the same as the user/password
definitions of the database. Maybe you might use mod_auth_db
instead of mod_auth.
With <FilesMatch> instead of <Limit> you only protect files
not the way/method how to get them. With the line above
all .html files are protected and .php files are not.
In combination with <DirectoryMatch> you could also make a
special definition range ...

you only have to beware of the MD5 password ... use


to generate a password valid for an .htacces file

 @  Goetz Lohmann, Germany   |   Web-Developer & Sys-Admin
\/  ------------------------------------------------------
()  He's the fellow that people wonder what he does and
||  why the company needs him, until he goes on vacation.

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