--- Chris Winters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, if one was to protect a directory or folder, a
> regular dialog will appear for username and passcode
> prompt within the web browser. I was researching some
> variables that I came across which is called

Yes, these variables deal with HTTP basic authentication.

> I would like to by pass that by a user entering the
> username and passcode via HTML, instead of the dialog
> showing.

In that case, you will want to do exactly as you say,
collect the username and password via an HTML form and
authenticate the credentials with PHP. It sounds like you
are currently relying on your Web server to provide the
access restrictions.

So, you can either:

1. Keep HTTP basic authentication enabled in the Web server
for these directories and live with the behavior.
2. Turn off HTTP basic authentication in the Web server and
write a login page in PHP. It is then up to you to control
access to whatever resources you want to protect, so this
will require a bit of work on your part.

Hope that helps.


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