Hi Simon et al,

For what it is worth, I updated my schema (see below) because it was
causing WSDL validation issues. But, I still can't figure out why SCA is
not transmitting my result set, instead of an empty result set.

Any tips greatly appreciated.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
targetNamespace="http://restorations"; xmlns="http://restorations";>
    <xs:complexType name="restorations">
            <xs:element name="restoration" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        <xs:element name="id" type="xs:integer" />
                        <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"
nillable="true" />

> -----Original Message-----
> From: phpsoa@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Caplan, Michael
> Sent: May 7, 2007 12:38 PM
> To: phpsoa@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [phpsoa] Re: Representing Associative Arrays in SCA Result
> Hi Simon,
> Thanks for the detailed response.  I'm slowly working through the
> intricacies of SDO.  With your pointers, I was able to make good
> progress, but I'm stuck on one point -- populating SDO so that my
> result
> set gets properly translated to the SOAP client caller.
> On the associate array issue, I've reworked my thinking.  I've worked
> out the following schema that accommodates my structure:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
> targetNamespace="http://restorations";>
>     <xs:element name="restorations">
>         <xs:complexType>
>             <xs:sequence>
>                 <xs:element name="restoration" maxOccurs="unbounded">
>                     <xs:complexType>
>                         <xs:sequence>
>                             <xs:element name="id" type="xs:integer" />
>                             <xs:element name="description"
> type="xs:string" />
>                         </xs:sequence>
>                     </xs:complexType>
>                 </xs:element>
>             </xs:sequence>
>         </xs:complexType>
>     </xs:element>
> </xs:schema
> So, what I am looking for is a result set of 1 or more "restoration,"
> with each restoration being composed of an "id" and "description."  I
> created my class service that builds out a dummy result set:
> <?php
> Zend_Loader::loadClass('Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001_Adapter');
> /**
>  * @service
>  * @binding.soap
>  * @types http://restorations ../../restorations.xsd
> */
> class Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001
> {
>     /**
>      * Retrieves a list of restoration procedures available to the
> dental practice
>      *
>      * @param integer $lab_id Lab Identifier
>      * @param string $practice_id Practice account code
>      * @param string $practice_password Practice account password
>      * @return restorations http://restorations
>      */
>     public function getRestorations($lab_id, $practice_id,
> $practice_password)
>     {
>         $restorations = SCA::createDataObject('http://restorations',
> 'restorations');
>         $restorations->restoration[0]['id'] = 1;
>         $restorations->restoration[0]['description'] = 'test';
>         $restorations->restoration[1]['id'] = 201;
>         $restorations->restoration[1]['description'] = 'test 2';
>         return $restorations;
>     }
> }
> ?>
> Using PHP SOAP, I built out a client that successfully calls the
> service, and dumps out the result.  And this is where I have my
> problem:
> the resultant is empty:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
>       xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>
>       <SOAP-ENV:Body>
>               <tns:getRestorationsResponse
>                       xmlns="http://Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001";
>                       xmlns:tns="http://Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001";
>                       xmlns:tns2="http://restorations";
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>                       xsi:type="getRestorationsResponse">
>                       <getRestorationsReturn/>
>               </tns:getRestorationsResponse>
>       </SOAP-ENV:Body>
> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
> I'm not sure why SCA is not able to build the XML from the populated
> SDO.  I'm probably missing something totally obvious here.  Any ideas?
> (I pasted my WSDL below should that help).
> Thanks again for helping me through the learning curve!
> Best,
> Mike
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <definitions xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";
> xmlns:tns2="http://Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001";
> xmlns:tns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";
> xmlns:tns3="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/";
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
> targetNamespace="http://Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001";>
>   <types>
>     <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
>       xmlns:ns0="http://restorations";
>       targetNamespace="http://Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001";
>       elementFormDefault="qualified">
>       <xs:import schemaLocation="./restorations.xsd"
> namespace="http://restorations"/>
>       <xs:element name="getRestorations">
>         <xs:complexType>
>           <xs:sequence>
>             <xs:element name="lab_id" type="xs:integer"
> nillable="true"/>
>             <xs:element name="practice_id" type="xs:string"
> nillable="true"/>
>             <xs:element name="practice_password" type="xs:string"
> nillable="true"/>
>           </xs:sequence>
>         </xs:complexType>
>       </xs:element>
>       <xs:element name="getRestorationsResponse">
>         <xs:complexType>
>           <xs:sequence>
>             <xs:element name="getRestorationsReturn"
> type="ns0:restorations" nillable="true"/>
>           </xs:sequence>
>         </xs:complexType>
>       </xs:element>
>     </xs:schema>
>   </types>
>   <message name="getRestorationsRequest">
>     <part name="getRestorationsRequest"
> element="tns2:getRestorations"/>
>   </message>
>   <message name="getRestorationsResponse">
>     <part name="return" element="tns2:getRestorationsResponse"/>
>   </message>
>   <portType name="Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001PortType">
>     <operation name="getRestorations">
>       <input message="tns2:getRestorationsRequest"/>
>       <output message="tns2:getRestorationsResponse"/>
>     </operation>
>   </portType>
>   <binding name="Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001Binding"
> type="tns2:Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001PortType">
>     <operation name="getRestorations">
>       <input>
>         <tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>
>       </input>
>       <output>
>         <tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>
>       </output>
>       <tns3:operation xsi:type="tns3:tOperation" soapAction=""/>
>     </operation>
>     <tns3:binding xsi:type="tns3:tBinding"
> transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"; style="document"/>
>   </binding>
>   <service name="Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001Service">
>     <port name="Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001Port"
> binding="tns2:Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001Binding">
>       <tns3:address xsi:type="tns3:tAddress"
> c
> _html/online001/index.php"/>
>     </port>
>   </service>
> </definitions>
> <!-- this line identifies this file as WSDL generated by SCA for PHP.
> Do
> not remove -->
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