it is so crazy that i run it on wi2003 server,it is ok!but can not run
in visita!

On 2月19日, 上午11时18分, jackyrong <> wrote:
> i just write my first demo for sca php,helloworld,the code is:
> include 'SCA/SCA.php';
> /**
>  * @service
>  * @binding.soap
>  */
> class Greeting
> {
>     /**
>       * @param string $name
>       * @return string
>       */
>     public function greet($name)
>     {
>         return 'hello ' . $name;
>     }}
> ?>
> and when i run the code above,it generated the wsdl,and the wsdl is:
> http://localhost:8082/myphp/helloworldscawsreference/Greeting.wsdl
> and i can use the ie browser to see it.
> the the client code is:
> <?
> include 'SCA/SCA.php';
> //$wsdl = file_get_contents('http://localhost:8082/myphp/
> helloworldscawsreference/Greeting.wsdl');
> //file_put_contents("service.wsdl",$wsdl); //write the wsdl to a file
> $service=SCA::
> $greeting_service  = SCA::getService('http://localhost:8082/myphp/
> helloworldscawsreference/Greeting.wsdl');
> echo $greeting_service->greet('liaoyurong');
> ?>
> but when i runt the code,i wait for a long time,then get the result
> is:
> Fatal error: Uncaught SCA_RuntimeException: SDO_Exception in
> setWSDLTypes : SDO_DAS_XML::create - Unable to parse the supplied xsd
> file 1 parse error(s) occurred when parsing the file 'http://localhost:
> 8082/myphp/helloworldscawsreference/Greeting.wsdl': 1.
> xmlSAXUserParseFile returned an error -1 thrown in D:\php5\PEAR\SCA
> \Bindings\soap\Proxy.php on line 104
> my php version is php 5.2.8,the run in visita system

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