On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 08:09, Jeff Barr wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Does XML-RPC allow function overloading?
> In other words, Is there a way to declare the same function
> twice, once with say, an integer parameter and once with a
> string?  I tried simply putting both variants of the signature
> into the array passed to the xmlrpc_server constructor, and
> I got an error when I tried to make the call):
>     Fault reason: Incorrect parameters passed to method: Wanted string, got
> int at param 1

it *should*.  if you check out the 'verifySignature' function in
xmlrps.inc you can see all the signatures are checked to see which one
can be used, that's the whole reason the dispatch map has an array of
signatures for each method

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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