On Tue, 2002-04-23 at 15:30, Julian Bond wrote:
> In article <1019553025.1090.149.camel@pingu>, Edd Dumbill
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 08:09, Jeff Barr wrote:
> >> Does XML-RPC allow function overloading?
> There's a growing feeling that in web services you should "Use named
> parameters. Ignore parameters you don't recognise. Default out
> parameters that are not passed" just as you would in CGI.
> In XML-RPC this would mean putting all params in a struct, but it would
> also get rid of the need for function overloading (maybe and partly!). 

This is interesting.  This list is no place to start the debate,
nauseatingly rehearsed elsewhere, but taking that feeling to its logical
conclusion: why don't we just pass XML documents with HTTP POST and
GET.  XPath can be used to access the 'named parameter space', ie. an
XML document.  :-)

-- Edd

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