You get the same behavior as auto increment in for instance MySQL with this

I use it a lot in the VizReader code.

I'm not so sure I would've used it much though if I had know about the (id)
function from the start:

In my case it's all about displaying a nice id that is easy to relate for
humans and JavaScript in my non-traditional gui and as you can see both
approaches accomplish that but that latter is imo more elegant.

/Henrik Sarvell

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Jakob Eriksson <> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 09:57:06AM +0800, Edwin Eyan Moragas wrote:
> > Hi List,
> >
> > what's the best way to go about autogenerated keys for Pilog? i've
> > been digging around a bit and can't find anything related.
> >
> > hints and pointers would be most appreciated. thank you.
> Hi!
> I have copied your (very good) question to:
> As I want to promote the Picolisp language on that site, but I have a hard
> time thinking up good questions and answers on my own.
> best regards,
> Jakob
> --

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