Ok, here's my first attempt at using minipicolisp as a library. (Leaving aside 
the issue of get/put for now.   Basically replacing main() with:

/*** Main ***/
int main(int ac, char *av[]) {
   char *p;

   . . .

// we're building as a library

void miniPicoLisp_init( const char * home_dir )
   if (home_dir) {
      int l = strlen(home_dir) + 1;
      Home = malloc( l );
      memcpy(Home, home_dir, l );
      Home[ l ] = '\0';

   Reloc = Nil;
   InFile = stdin,  Env.get = getStdin;
   OutFile = stdout,  Env.put = putStdout;

   // ??
   ApplyArgs = cons(cons(consSym(Nil,0), Nil), Nil);
   ApplyBody = cons(Nil,Nil);

any miniPicoLisp_dostring( char *str )
   return load(NULL, 0, mkStr(str));


And then testing it with this: 

#include "pico.h"
extern void miniPicoLisp_init( const char * home_dir );
extern any miniPicoLisp_dostring( char *str );
#define MAX_STR 1024

int main(int ac, char *av[]) {
   char buf[MAX_STR];

   miniPicoLisp_init( NULL );

   while (fgets(buf, MAX_STR, stdin) != NULL) { // read
        any v = miniPicoLisp_dostring( buf );   // eval
        doPrint( v );                           // print

   return 0;


--- On Sat, 6/18/11, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:

> From: Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>
> Subject: Re: embedding minipicolisp
> To: picolisp@software-lab.de
> Date: Saturday, June 18, 2011, 11:21 PM
> Hi Doug,
> > I'd like to embed minipicolisp in C applications I'd
> like to be able
> > to create a minipicolisp environment, and then pass
> strings to it
> > (commands) for execution. It would also be great to be
> able get back the
> > results in a string.
> The mechanism in PicoLisp to execute a string is 'load'. If
> an argument
> to 'load' starts with a hyphen, the rest is interpreted as
> an expression
> (without the surrounding parentheses). This mechanism is
> normally used
> to run expressions from the command line.
> The lower level functions for that are 'str', both for
> converting a
> transient symbol to a list (without the surrounding
> parentheses) and to
> do the reverse, and EVAL() (which is actually not a
> function but a
> macro).
> Unfortunately, there is no way currently to convert a C
> string directly
> to an executable Lisp expression (without the intermediate
> transient
> symbol).
> > In lua, you'd do something like,
> >  L = lua_open();
> Here you'd need a function that initialized the PicoLisp
> VM, as is done
> by main(), i.e. calls heapAlloc(), initSymbol() etc.
> >  luaL_dostring(L, str_in );
> >  str_out = l_results_to_string(L);
> You need a C function similar to 'loadAll()'. It would call
> 'mkStr()' on
> the C string to create the transient symbol, then load() to
> run the
> expression.
> Better would be to cook something more specialized, similar
> to parse(),
> to avoid the intermediate transient symbol step.
> To pack the result into a C string, you need a mechanism
> similar to
> doStr().
> You define a function which writes a single byte into a C
> character
> array,
>    void putCharC(int c) {
>       *CBytePtr++ = c;
>    }
> and store a pointer to that function into 'Env.put':
>    void (*putSave)(int);
>    putSave = Env.put;
>    Env.put = putCharC;
>    print(result);
>    Env.put = putSave;
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> -- 
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