Hi Doug,

> Basically replacing main() with:
> ...
> void miniPicoLisp_init( const char * home_dir )
> {
>    heapAlloc();
>    initSymbols();
>    if (home_dir) {
>       int l = strlen(home_dir) + 1;
>       Home = malloc( l );
>       memcpy(Home, home_dir, l );
>       Home[ l ] = '\0';
>    }
>    Reloc = Nil;
>    InFile = stdin,  Env.get = getStdin;
>    OutFile = stdout,  Env.put = putStdout;
>    // ??
>    ApplyArgs = cons(cons(consSym(Nil,0), Nil), Nil);
>    ApplyBody = cons(Nil,Nil);
> }

Yes, the Apply* lines are needed (or what does the "??" imply?).

I see one remaining problem: The 'ErrRst' global, the error restart jump
buffer, is not initialized. This may cause a crash if a runtime error
occurs. So I would include something like

   if (setjmp(ErrRst))

> {
>    return load(NULL, 0, mkStr(str));
> }

Doesn't this have the disadvantage that 'str' must always begin with a
minus sign?

Regarding the question of cleanup: I would write a function

   void miniPicoLisp_stop(void)

which is identical to bye(), except for the exit() at the end.

- Alex
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