Joe Bogner <> writes:

Hi Joe,

> I would recommend using a third party service.
> I've tinkered with Twillio but not used it in production. For example,
> with Twillio your code makes a HTTP request to their API endpoint and
> their API can post to your HTTP endpoint.
> Twillio is not free. In the US it's 1 cent per text
> inbound/outbound.

Another very interesting link, although it seems "only" for the US
(quite a big market though). 

> For free (in the US) you may be able to use Google Voice. I'm not sure
> if it's against their terms of service - probably is - for any heavy
> use.

most likely a nice free solution, but - as you say - there is always the
terms of service problem. 

> It also looks like Amazon has something similar to Twillio
> -

its still beta, but looks really nice. 

Thanks for the tips

> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:03 AM, dexen deVries
> <> wrote:
>     Hi Thorsten,
>     On Friday 17 of August 2012 11:47:55 you wrote:
>     > just one curiosity - how would one write a PicoLisp application
>     that
>     > recieves and processes (and maybe sends) SMS messages?
>     >
>     > What would be involved to give the application a 'phone number'
>     (or
>     > maybe many) so that messages can be send to and from it?
>     >
>     > Anybody with experiences in SMS processing? Is that like email
>     > processing with standard header and body etc?
>     >
>     > What if the application is a service and each incoming SMS
>     should be
>     > charged by me (e.g. 20cent extra cost billed by me, additionally
>     to the
>     > basic SMS costs of the telephone provider)?
>     >
>     > Not really so PicoLisp specific, but maybe somebody has some
>     experience
>     > in this field and doesn't mind to share it.
>     recently my company has been handed an offer by Plus (polish GSM
>     operator,
>     related to Vodafone) for SMS service. They provide you with access
>     to a server
>     (via https and SOAP available) and with one GSM number and other
>     assorted
>     goodies, like dynamic text substitution facility.
>     Pricing is similar to consumer SMSes. You pay monthly subscription
>     (comparable
>     to consumer subscriptions), which includes a couple hundred or
>     thousand SMS
>     Albeit I am unsure if `free SMS' (with costs covered by receiver
>     than sender)
>     is available with this service.
>     Seems like a little-hassle, no-strings-attached way to me. No need
>     to fiddle
>     with actual GSM hardware.
>     --
>     dexen deVries
>     [[[↓][→]]]
>     --



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