Hi Rob,

> I'll keep hacking away at it, since the payoffs are big for me from a
> learning perspective.

Good :)

And you brought me to the idea of porting RcSim :) I think I'll
investigate that more. This should be the first real "application"
in PilOS.

> When you say "@lib/z3d.l" is in C, if I wanted to learn
> how to build upon PilOS, would it be preferable to use pil-assembly or Lisp
> (PicoLisp, I assume)?

I would start on the Lisp level. Only low-level and time-critical
parts need to be done in assembly.

> Can I learn pil-assembly from the source files, or do
> you have a reference somewhere?

The only reference is in "doc64/asm". It describes the virtual PicoLisp
machine and its instruction set. The ultimate documentation are the
sources in "src64/*.l" and (as a modification of those) in

♪♫ Alex
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