Hello Eric! Thanks for the introduction. Welcome! Looking forward to
your questions!

On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 9:45 AM, CILz <cilz...@cilzone.fr> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I take the opportunity of this first post to introduce myself as well as the
> reasons for which I come here.
> I am not a computer scientist nor a professional web developper but a kind
> of "power user" who often gets its hands dirty to build some applications as
> close as possible to what he wants... That being said, I have mostly built
> some websites using off the shelf CMS ;-)
> However, my last "product" is a custom web application fully written from
> scratch in R to access a graph database. And this is why I am here: I want
> to rebuild it in order to add some "expert system" like capacity...
> So starting to digg around, I first came to Prolog a few weeks ago and I
> started learning it from scratch. This very week, I discovered Picolisp. I
> started exploring it, and so far, I am really impressed! It looks very
> appealing: having at hand a powerful language, a built-in database system as
> well as Prolog make me dream ... though I don't know if I am skilled enough
> to be able to do anything useful!
> Any way, I have it up an running on my linux box ... so expect me to ask
> very basic questions soon :)
> Best,
> Eric
> --
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