Hi Erik,

> I was hacking 'VIP' a bit today, and thought I'd share the results.

Good idea! :)

> A new color scheme:
> https://gist.github.com/erdg/8d5ad1649975153c963ba7b0a1210fe5
> And a few normal mode commands for manipulating code comments:
> https://gist.github.com/erdg/24e53ad4fcc71d08c88a432c2bcc6544
> Mostly just a fun way for me to learn more about how the editor / editing 
> works.

Cool! Looks very good!

> Is there a recommended way to add new keybindings like this? Right now I'm
> editing the definition of 'vi' itself.

Currently there are only *F7 through *F12 reserved. For example, my actual
~/.pil/viprc is this:

   (de *F7  # Find current class definition
         (let L (nth (: buffer text) (: posY))
               (NIL (setq L (prior L (: buffer text))))
               (T (head '`(chop "(class ") (car L))
                  (any (pack (car L))) ) ) ) ) )

   (de *F8  # Size
      (evCmd (size (s-expr))) )

   (de *F9  # Eval lines till mark "e"
         (run (str (getText (jmpMark "e")))) ) )

   (de *F10  # dif
      (shFile "dif @1 @2 T") )

   (de *F11  # cite
      (goPFore 1 -1)
      (pipeN (cnt@@) "wrap |sed 's/\^/> /g'") )

   (de *F12  # put
      (shell (rplFile "put %")) )

   # Timestamp
   (local) vipDat
   (de vipDat (N)
      (when (<> N (: posY))
         (let (@L (get (: text) N)  @A)
               (match '(@A " " @L) @L)
               (member @A '(("#") ("/" "/") ("/" "*")))
               (>= 31 (format (cut 2 '@L)) 1)
               (member (pack (cut 3 '@L)) *mon)
               (format (cut 2 '@L))
               (mapc set
                  (set (nth (: text) N)
                        (list (char 32))
                        (chop (datSym (date)))
                        @L ) )
                  1 ) ) ) ) )

   (daemon '(save> . +Buffer)
      (or (vipDat 1) (vipDat 2) (vipDat 3)) )

We could add more hooks perhaps. But I'm not sure if this is really helpful.

> Any plans for 'VipScript'? :P

Well, this should be PicoLisp itself ;)

> How to access the character under the cursor within the '(case (getch) ..)'
> loop? Or get the current line number? I think it should be something like:
>    (get (: buffer text) ... (: posY) (: posX) ...)  # similar pattern in 
> other fns

This is correct. In the main loop, 'This' is the current window.

So for example

   (case (getch)
      ("@" (evCmd (get (: buffer text) (: posY) (: posX))))

will print the current character into the command window.

☺/ A!ex

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