Hi Alex,

Currently there are only *F7 through *F12 reserved. For example, my actual
> ~/.pil/viprc is this:
>     [ ... ]

Thanks for sharing, I'm going to use some of those :)

>  We could add more hooks perhaps. But I'm not sure if this is really
> helpful.

What about adding new 'normal mode' key combos (like e.g. 'nnoremap' in
vim)? I've got a handful that I've just inserted into the main loop, but
seems less than ideal. It would become a lot of copying and pasting to try
to keep my tweaks in sync with VIP as you continue to develop it.

Would it be possible to have a slot in the loop for user-defined key
I imagine defining them in '.viprc':

   (de user-key-map ()
         ("^u" ...)  # half page up
         ("^d" ...)  # half page down
         ... ) )

   (de user-g-key-map () ...)

And then in the main loop somewhere:

   ("$" ...)
   ("Z" ...)
      ~(user-g-key-map) )

Does that make sense? Just thinking aloud here... we'll see how far I go
with the customizations.

This is correct. In the main loop, 'This' is the current window.
> So for example
>    (case (getch)
>       ("@" (evCmd (get (: buffer text) (: posY) (: posX))))
>       (...
> will print the current character into the command window.

And it looks like that's what 'posChar' is for. It's all coming together now

Thanks Alex!

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