Thanks Alex -

  But I have to respectfully disagree - 'struct' should know
  that if its current offset is 10, and it next needs to layout
  a 4-byte integer, it should insert 2 pad bytes to begin
  the integer at offset 12 - the same as it should know
  in the 'struct tm' case, that if it has just laid out a 4-byte integer
  at offset 32, ending at offset 36, and next needs to layout an 8-byte
  integer, it needs to insert 4 pad bytes to start the 8-byte integer
  at offset 40 .
  'struct' is documented as honoring C structure layout rules:
   "Creates or extracts data structures, suitable to be passed
    to or returned from native C functions.
  But it does not do what it claims ,  because it does not
  insert the required pad bytes - it lays everything out as
  if the programmer had specified '#pragma packed' or
  '__attribute__((packed))' for the whole structure.
  In future versions, there ought to be a way of telling
  struct to use packed alignment (not insert pad bytes),
  or to use custom alignment ( the 2nd 'size' cdr of
  the result spec cons cells could be specified as a
  cons cell of Size and Alignment ).

  Really, it is not nice to make programmers have to take account
  of these pad bytes, which they do not have to do using "C" -
  on extract, they'd have to remember which pad members
  they had to insert and filter them out - they are not proper
  "members" of the structure - this will lead to much
  confusion and coredumps / unexpected behaviour when C functions
  receive structures without required pad bytes.

  And making the programmer change the datatype of members,
  as you suggested, is not a solution either - pad bytes must be
  IGNORED, there is no guarantee they are initialized to 0, if
  malloc() was used to allocate the structure, they may have
  garbage values, so if we transformed the 'short' into an 'int',
  or the 'int' into a 'long' , to satisfy padding requirements,
  then likely as not garbage values for these members would be

  I will try to produce a version of PicoLisp whose 'struct  DOES
  insert these missing pad bytes, and see if I can make it
  pass all tests, and if so I'll send you the patch - hopefully by
  the end of this week.

Best Regards,

On 06/12/2021, Alexander Burger <> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 06, 2021 at 11:21:27PM +0100, Alexander Burger wrote:
>> No, it is correct. It stores (all little-endian):
>>    (1 . 8) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  # 8 bytes
>>    (2 . 2) 2 0              # 2 bytes
>>    (3 . 4) 3 0 0 0          # 4 bytes
> The point is: 'struct' does exactly what you tell it to do. Not more, not
> less.
> Eight bytes, then two bytes, then four bytes.
> It does not care (and should not care) that *you* know that the "short"
> should
> be in a wider field. This is another, higher level. Here we are purely
> concerned
> about the explicat layout.
> You can easily pass
>    : (struct Ptr '( P W I ) '(1 . 8) '(2 . 4) '(3 . 4))
> to get what you want.
> ☺/ A!ex
> --


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