Hi Cesar,

> You can disagree, but cannot keep disagreeing and maintain the
> documentation related to the implementation  "Creates or extracts data
> structures, suitable to be passed to or returned from native C functions."

Exactly. Of course this buffer, filled with any data, can always be passed to a
C function.

As my example in the previous mail showed, you can well pack strings with 8
bytes on a single store instruction, at a convenient offset. Why should a C
function receiving this perfectly normal string complain?

> If the idea is as you describe, then the doc should be reformed and the
> user instructed to check the needs according to the call he/she intends, on
> the other hand.

Hmm, isn't this always necessary? Check what a called function (C or not) needs?

Which sentence in the doc (you mean the references of 'native' and 'struct'?)
is not correct?

> If both ways of doing the scruct are equally useful in picolisp (which I

I think they are not equally useful.

'native' and 'struct' do exactly what the programmer tells them. Nothing tricky
or clever behind the scenes. I do not want them to insert bytes based on

This would violate the spirit of PicoLisp. Keep the programmer in control!

☺/ A!ex

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