Hi Jason,

>   o Interpretation of a 'struct descriptor value of '( NIL . sz )'
>     or '( F . sz ) ( Fill / Fix ( since 'P and 'I are taken))  ?

This sounds like a good idea. Using NIL would be along the line of "void" in the
context of result specifications. Let me investigate.

>    And, as other commentators suggested, please do ammend
>    the documentation to expand a bit on the sentence:
>   "Creates or extracts data structures, suitable to be passed
>     to or returned from native C functions.
>    "
>   by appending
>   "IFF they specify C native aligned structures or parameters
>    with expected pad bytes .
>   " or something like that.

I will remove the "C" from the 'struct' and 'native' references. It can be any

But I do not want do put too much emphasis on the padding or alignment issues.
It is clear that the programmer has to pass the right structure, and also take
care of other aspects like integer sizes, little or big endian, character
encodings or ownership of buffers. This goes beyond the scope of the reference.

☺/ A!ex

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