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The "PigJournal" page has been changed by AlanGates.


  '''Estimated Development Effort:'''  depends on how much SQL we decide to 
+ ==== Standard UDFs From Piggybank Need to be Moved to Pig ====
+ There are a number of UDFs that might be considered standard, such as UPPER, 
LOWER, etc. in Piggybank that could be moved into Pig proper so that they are 
better tested
+ and maintained.  This is in the unknown approach section because there have 
been no discussions about which UDFs should move and to what extend Pig should 
go in
+ providing "standard" UDFs.  That is, we could decide to include every 
conceivable string function, or we could just include basic ones such as upper, 
lower, and
+ substring and leave the rest to Piggybank.
+ '''Category:'''  Usability
+ '''Dependency:'''
+ '''References:'''
+ '''Estimated Development Effort:'''  small to medium, depending on how many 
UDFs are moved and written
  ==== Standardize on Parser and Scanner Technology ====
  Currently Pig Latin and grunt use Javacc for parsing and scanning.  The SQL 
implementation uses Jflex for scanning and Cup for parsing.  Javacc has proven 
to be
  difficult to work with, very poorly documented, and gives users horrible, 
barely understandable error messages.  Pig needs to select parsing and scanning

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