
collection? I also like Carsten's usergroup suggestion because it maintains
the word group inside of it.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 8:21 AM <s...@acts.hu> wrote:

> Dear piler users,
> I'd like to get your help with
> https://bitbucket.org/jsuto/piler/issues/1058/database-table-name-group-reserved-keyword
> The issue is about finding a better name for the group table.
> The problem is that "group" is a reserved keyword in sql, so
> you need to backtick it in a query like select * from `group`;
> The reason that I picked this reserved word back then is because
> I didn't find a better word for describing a group of users than
> 'group'.
> I've just looked up https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/group?s=t
> and search for synonyms, but I'm stuck. I don't want to come up
> with a silly word instead of 'group'.
> So I'd like you to vote to either keep the table name as group
> and use `group` in your queries or recommend a better word. In
> the latter case we need to rename the group table to the new name
> which is a trivial task, though still some manual intervention
> at an upgrade to the upcoming 1.3.12 (I haven't started working
> on it yet).
> Janos

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