please remember to reply to *both* lists. :)

On July 10, 2009 13:39:24 Alexander Shenoy wrote:
> I like this idea. It actually solves a problem that I have been having
> forever. Opening a window on the wrong desktop and then having to move it
> to another desktop. Or wishing I could have a window open only on two
> desktops, but not the other two. (i.e. Konsole open on "Programming" and
> "Virtualization," but not "Multimedia" and "General")
> Tags would make things simple for the Window Management. The algorithm
> would have to be really good at weeding out superfluous tags, however. I
> could easily see adding a tag and having only one window open within it.
> Maybe have a Universal tag that displays windows within all Tags? It would
> just need to be designed in such a way that it doesn't turn into a kludge.

yeah :) I had some ideas, like ignoring tags that only apply to one window, 
but they're more in the context of the taskbar than vdesktops

> I also like the idea of the desktop effect grouping the applications. I
> have this animation that I'm seeing through my minds eye and its really
> stellar.

bug sebas to implement it then ;) and make a mockup of this animation.

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