On Friday 10 July 2009, Chani wrote:
> what I wanted is window tagging.

do windows live long enough for tagging to work?

would there be an "always there" tag?

how easy is it to tag a window? (this is an interaction design concept)

how does tagging interact with activities? (i suppose that's answered in the 
"windowgroups / pager / ZUI" thread?)

what's the average user advantage in this? 

how much work is saved or how much efficiency gained versus how much time 
spent messing around with tagging?

this feels like a very geek feature that i can't see many people using. i 
could be wrong .... but tagging really tends to work when:

* the data set is large
* the data set is long lived (so value accrues over time)
* the data set is shared by many people (so there's value reaped from other's 
work or by being able to tie several people's work together in unique ways)

because of that, tagging works _fabulously_ for things like photo sharing 
websites and online news aggregation.

how well does it work for a small, often/usually temporary, non-shared data 

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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