Chani wrote:
> so I had a crazy idea, and discussed it with lubos and notmart, and 
> completely 
> forgot to mention it at the bof. I brought it up again today and we ended up 
> with some other ideas too.
> what I wanted is window tagging. instead of virtual desktops and tabs (tabs 
> seems to be a workaround for window management not being good enough 
> anyways) I could just have tags on windows, and have a taskbar that groups by 
> tag, or have one virtual desktop per tag. perhaps some smart omission of 
> superfluous tags.

Okay... time to point people at again...

Not exactly the same thing, but... What I'd like to know is if/how tags 
would fit into NWI; I can see that they might make the panel really 
confusing if you have nested containers /and/ tags.

(And no, I don't think tagging can replace tabs. It's not unusual for me 
to have dozens or more tabs open (not necessarily in one window, or even 
one application). I do not under *any* circumstances want that many 
top-level windows. I've been there, and it sucks ;-).)

> we also daydreamed about how nice it would be if you could save and load 
> partial-sessions consisting of a group of windows and an activity.

Yes, that would be nice. Session Management is still somewhat in the 
stone ages. (Kate and Firefox have the best session management; the 
desktop as a whole isn't even close to that level.)

(Please note that SM != NWI.)

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