a) do you seriously suggest to add a permanent widget on your desktop that can 
configure the desktop grid?? (i.e. how regularly do you do that?)

b) while using the grid, the desktops are scaled down... (e.g. try this with 9 

c) i was talking talking about painting an ICON (maby 3 times to make a 
stack..) - not a "set of widgets..." (not to speak of svg, script support, 

d) what if someone uses plasma + compiz and start's to wonder why this doesn't 

e) no one yet agreed to do it this way at all ;-P


ok - /just/ read your forgotten crosspost ;-P

when we want to push VDs to a rather win grouping metaphor (...of course we 
all silently know that this is because the plasma team has so far failed to 
support multiple wallpapers per VD... yes: we know!... =P ) one should drop 
this approach entirely (as there would not be "real" desktops - you know: with 
individual wallpapers etc...) and rather allow dragging windows around and 
create new desktop groups by dragging windows to an area that exceeds any 
other groups margin. (that's far more intuitive then pressing some widget - 
while a) still holds - to create a new (empty...) group

stupid question/note regarding this:
we need to drop the (prominent, could keep it for inter-user session changes) 
cube etc. then, right?
(the only working transition we afaics have so far for switching former VDs 
and then WGs would be crossfading)


i'd rather suggest heaps, make sure all wins are scaled to similar dimensions 
and (partially) visible when entering the view and bring the hovered ones to 
"columns"... pfff ;-P

Am Saturday 11 July 2009 schrieb Sebastian Kügler:
> Maybe using Plasma widgets that can receive input and that send D-Bus
> calls, and kwin reacting to it with animations accordingly?
> The Plasma widgetry would be "behind" or around the animation in Kwin, so
> you basically add controls "around" kwin animated window arrangements.
> We certainly don't want another set of widgets in KWin, even if it's just
> simple ones. Plasma has all we need already, and it should integrate nicely
> this way as well.

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