Hi Arjen,

> I read that section - we should probably elaborate the text a bit: I was
> under the
> impression that this would give you a complete MinGW environment, but you
> do need to get Msys separately. Also the file mingwvars.bat gets overwritten
> by the installer - with some syntax that was completely new to me (~dp0 IIRC
> to indicate the install directory). Under Msys the c:/mingw/bin syntax
> for the
> PATH does not work - you need to use /c/mingw/bin.

It gives you a complete MinGW environment if you use the Windows CLI. 
MinGW provides all necessary libraries and headers and compilers and 
tools (except make) as windows executables. The compiler itself can be 
used from this point on, from the Windows CLI or some other IDE (e.g. 
CodeBlocks). MSYS is a minimal port of useful tools (bash, ls, automake, 
etc.) to use the MinGW tools within a unix-like environment to be able 
to use configure. The batch file I wrote was thought to be used within 
the Windows CLI not MSYS. The meaning of ~dp0 is e.g. explained here ( 
http://weblogs.asp.net/lorenh/archive/2006/03/24/441004.aspx ), and this 
is a Windows CLI command.

> Anyway, here is the situation right now:
> 1. I have installed the make utility from MinGW/TDM. Renamed
> mingw32-make.exe
> to make.exe

Don't do that, since then you'll get into troubles with MSYS. MSYS 
provides its own make.exe and if you rename mingw32-make.exe to make.exe 
strange problems might occur using MSYS. If you're not using MSYS don't 
mind. CMake looks for mingw32-make.exe.

> 2. I have added the MinGW/bin directory to my PATH under Msys
> 3. which make gives that particular make.exe, so that seems to be fine
> (the compilers
> are also available)
> 4. CMake however complains that it can not find a proper build utility.

If you are using CMake in MSYS it should look for bash.exe and maybe 
make.exe and gets confused, I don't know exactly. So it may be a problem 
due to the renaming of mingw32-make.exe. Anyways, if you want to stay 
with MSYS you don't need to install mingw32-make.exe anyway, so it's 
best to delete the files from the installation directory or reinstall 
the compiler tools.
> I will have to investigate this further - CMake worked perfectly under
> my old installation.

I'll rewrite the wiki to distinguish if the user wants to use MSYS or 
Windows CLI.

If you want to use MinGW in the windows CLI, you have to tell CMake to 
use the MinGW Makefiles generator, e.g.

cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" pathtosource


Dr. Werner Smekal
Institut fuer Allgemeine Physik
Technische Universitaet Wien
Wiedner Hauptstr 8-10
A-1040 Wien

web:   http://www.iap.tuwien.ac.at/~smekal
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