Arjen, Thanks, that worked to get past this hurdle.  nmake and nmake install 
worked.Frankly, I'm not sure what state plplot is in but I tried running an 
example exe and got an error message that plplotcxx.dll is not installed on my 
computer.However, this *.dll does exists in the dll folder.How does that 

    On Friday, January 26, 2018, 8:15:24 AM EST, Arjen Markus 
<> wrote:  
Hi David,
I was a bit hasty, I think – the cairo device driver actually consists of a 
whole slew of them and you would have to set all of them to off to avoid the 
cairo device (things like PLD_wincairo and PLD_epscairo). If I read the CMake 
files correctly, then you should be able to turn off that family of devices by 
-DDEFAULT_NO_CAIRO_DEVICES=ON. (I hope I am right this time)
From: David Bergman []
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 2:12 PM
To: Arjen Markus
Cc: (
Subject: Re: RE: [Plplot-general] More questions about install
Thanks.  I tried again with your suggestion but the following warning.
CMake Warning:
  Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:
I tried variant, e.g. all cap, etc, just in case there was a typo.  No luck.
Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
On another note, not sure is you saw my other email status.  Installing from 
the IDE seemed to work for the Release build but not the Debug, several 
projects failed to build.  I cannot decipher why one would build and the other 
not.  Additionally the *.exe for the examples did not get created as in 
previous installs.  It seems that each try produces a different state.
Thank you in advance.
On Thursday, January 25, 2018, 2:44:51 AM EST, Arjen Markus 
<> wrote: 
Hi David,
Wrt your message (it got caught in my spam filter for reasons best known to 
I just installed CMake 3.9.4 and tried the build from a DOS command prompt (not 
using VS INSTALL).  Same issues, partial output is attached.
It crashes at ciaro [26%].  Do I need ciaro to use plplot?
Apparently the build system is finding libraries that are connected to the 
cairo device. Unfortunately, they are not truly compatible. The best way to 
take care of that is to use the option –DPLD_cairo=OFF, forcing the build 
system to ignore that device. This kind of things sometimes happens.

Arjen Markus
Sr. Adviseur/Onderzoeker
+31(0)88 335 8559

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