On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 11:01:45PM -0400, Dennis McCunney wrote:
> > Shouldn't they be removed altogether? Preveting copy is
> > encouraging DRM. DRM should be flushed down the toilets.
> Won't happen.  There are too many folks who are trying to make a living on
> intellectual property, and want _some_ way of insuring they get paid for
> what they do.

I write documentation and get paid for that - sometimes.
I would not be confortable with making a living of DRM. It may means
more money, but in the end it would restrict other people freedom.

Instead of work depending on the restriction of freedom, I prefer
no work at all or unqualified work. I'm lucky I don't have to take such
a decision right now and can pick up the work I like but sorry I do have
some ethics.

If you take a work you don't like just for the money there's a nice word
to describe that - not quite polite however.

> Ask any author who has books in electronic format how they feel about
> unrestricted distribtion of their copyrighted work without thier permission.

Ask me. I'm fine with that - the businesses may not but it's their job
to choose a new business model, not mine.

> Intellectual property is _property_, just as material objects are.
> Redistribution of copyrighted intellectual property with the express
> permission of the rights holder is _theft_, pure and simple.

As a member of the GNU project ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) I have a different
opinion. Intellectual property only exists because the founding fathers
thought it would help promoting science and knowledge. That's the goal.

IP is just a mean to reach that goal. If it can be reached in other
ways, with added benefits for the public (such as free redistribution)
why should we keep the old schemes??

 Guylhem P. Aznar
 Now *@externe.net ([EMAIL PROTECTED]>@metalab.unc.edu->@7un.org->@externe.net)
 http://externe.net/geekcode http://externe.net/photos
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