On Wed, Oct 02, 2002, Michael Nordström wrote:
> It shouldn't be that complicated to create a desktop tool that can
> remove the user ID protection (if you know the used user ID:) and
> create an unprotected document.

Actually, all the necessary tools are already available.

$ explode --directory=liberate DRM.pdb

That will dump the contents of the Plucker document (since the
document uses owner ID protection there must be a valid owner_id
key in ~/.pluckerrc).

The generated HTML documents contains comments that the parser
doesn't accept, so we need to fix that, e.g. by running the

$ cd liberate
$ for i in `ls *.html`; do sed "s/<\!--.*--\!>//" $i > $i.new ; \
> mv -f $i.new $i; done

Then we just create a new Plucker document (remember to remove the 
owner_id key from ~/.pluckerrc or you will create a "bad" document

$ plucker-build -H default.html -f LiberatedDocument

Could put this in a script that handles all of the steps (a nicer
solution would be to create a program that removes the owner ID 
key from all records in a Plucker document and then reassembles
them into a Plucker document again; that would make sure that you
don't "lose" anything in the conversion).

To summarize, using the owner ID protection as a share denial (DRM)
solution will not work (unless the users accept it), since anyone
that can view such a document can easily remove the "protection"
and redistribute an unprotected copy to family and friends.


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