On 4/12/07, Pranav Peshwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Agree with Kaustubh,use mplayer.
Get mplayer, get the essential codec pack,uncompress and put it into
/usr/lib/win32/ or other appropriate place and play all kinds of media
A slightly different approach would be to use something like
zamzar.com and get the file(s) transcoded... or do it yourself using
mencoder :)>-

I believe it is rather unethical to use Windows dlls in this manner.
Especially if you have embraced Linux as a matter of principle, not price.
Further, doing so removes the incentive for people trying to reverse
engineer proprietary codecs, and finally harms the open standards / source

I have used vlc quite often for playing flv files, and it works
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