On Sat, 10 Feb 2018 18:46:14 -0800
Nat Taylor <biob...@gmail.com> dijo:

>snap includes all the dependencies in the .snap, I believe.  Like an
>app on osx

I don't know about that. My experience this evening leads me to
question what is included. 

I started at 5:30 playing PBS news from the HDHomeRun tuner on VLC 3.0.
That worked fine. When it was over I closed down the tuner and VLC.
Then I selected a movie .avi file to play. I double clicked on the .avi
file and nothing happened. Then I launched VLC and tried to open
the .avi file by Media > Open File, but it didn't see the .avi file. I
set it to 'All Files' and then it finally saw the .avi file, but it
wouldn't open it. No error message, it just wouldn't open it. Finally I
gave up on the .avi file and tried a .mkv file. Same results.

At that point I did:

        snap remove vlc
        sudo apt-get install vlc

Afterward double-clicking on the .avi file opens it in VLC. That is,
VLC 2.2.6 (Umbrella). I don't know what's wrong with 3.0, but it's not
ready for prime time. 
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