On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 5:35 PM Chuck Hast <wch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Michael,
> May I ask what amateur apps you are going to be using? gprsd and some
> others sound like something with
> aprs, or it could be with winlink, or a packet radio stack. I am using
> MMDVM on a RPi and it writes a LOT to
> the little memory card, but it goes and goes. So even a very busy aprs
> system will not see a lot of writing. I
> use the Samsung SSD's. I figure you are using one small POS or other
> devices, most are 19vdc but some are
> 12vdc (nice for vehicular usage) you indicated it used a 3" SATA drive,
> there are a lot of SSD 2" drives that have
> a kit for putting them in a 3" space. As in any device that it writing to
> memory make sure your 12v mains are
> reliable and will not drop out from under the computer.
> Call here is KP4DJT, Google it.
Hi Chuck,

Getting ready for Field Day. We will have multiple operating positions all
using the N3FJP Field Day Logging Program. All the laptops will be
connected via wireless LAN. The LAN needs to provide basic network stuff,
dhcp, ntp, etc. There will be no Internet connectivity, so the server will
have a USB GPS puck for time standard. I need a quick and dirty way of
grabbing files, so I was thinking of a basic web page users could browse to
and click to download files. The users will mostly be barely computer
literate Windows users, so everything has to be pretty basic. The files
involved will be relatively small.
Yes, it is a small POS type device. I already got a Crucial 120GB SSD and
bracket and it is installed. Just got the power cord today, will try to
fire it up later.

Michael WA7SKG
Field Day call W7ORE
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