On 06/28/2020 04:25 PM, Mike C. wrote:

  More info here - https://www.bunsenlabs.org/index.html

I'll look into it. The site isn't aimed at minimalists of my ilk ;}

Minimalism has its gradients. I hope you follow up once you find a suitable
solution. The Debian universe is quite extensive and dynamic. It's what has
always kept me coming back to it.

It keeps this septuagenarian off the streets and out of mischief.

Ha! Lots of mischief to be had on the Interwebs should one seek to find it.

I had another look at the site. Still don't think it's for me.

Although the referenced Wikipedia article on Crunchbang quoted Jim Lynch of desktoplinuxreviews.com as saying (in part) "It’s a perfect choice for anyone who prefers functionality over form....These days it seems that lots of distros and other operating systems are adding tons of glitz and glitter to desktop interfaces."

That's my view and motivation.

Are the any USENET fora or mailing lists for BunsenLabs &/or Crunchbang.
I find web based fora annoying and essentially useless. I use multiple tags to posts with useful content. Makes it easy to quickly find useful content.

What I'm looking for right now is a alternative Debian installer which makes it simple to install only actual dependencies ---
                *NO 'recommended' packages*

I understand the possibility of having to actually use a recommended package or two ;/


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