JPatten wrote: 
> I am in Ireland like you BPA but I can use a UK IP address (work related
> access). It appears that I am not pulling down the latest version of
> iPlayer so I am currently on version 1.49 and the current version is
> 1.52. When I 'un-enable' and then re-enable the BBC player version 1.49
> is what  comes back and there are no other versions visible. The
> repository I have enabled is
> I
> have a Mac and the OS is OSX 10.11.6  Could I be using the wrong
> repository? Scanning the forums I haven't come across a reference to a
> newer repository if there is one.
> On high UK bit stream 32kbs,CBR, aac is being indicated but no sound
> coming through
> On lower outside UK bit stream 96kbs, CBR, aac is being indicated and
> sound is coming through.
> Skip back options and BBC iPlayer Extra are working.
> The non-Uk streams are perfectly fine but it would be good to use the
> higher streams and if nothing else to understand why the issue may have
> occurred. All was working well and then it stopped a few weeks back.

You are using the wrong repo URL for 1.5.*
It is unlikely you will see much change in performance although the
associated version of Extra have a few bug fixes such as to access more
archived content. You will not get higher speed than at present but your
numbers ar weird - there are no DASH 32kb BBCstreams for non UK just
48kbps and 96kbps and why is "lower" greater than "upper" ??.
If you have problem with 1.5.2 or the process in upgrading to 1.5.2
please post on the 1.5.2 beta thread (
)  as this thread has got too big for users to find into.
THis was announced here

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