Nautilus wrote: 
> Ok, thanks, I think I need to let this one go...:) I have a Ts-259 Pro+
> and it does not support the container station so out of luck with that
> as well ;)
> Edit: Just saw your following posts. So there is hope after all :D Can
> you share some details on how you accomplished these:

scala wrote: 
> Hi! Most of the information you need is already available here
> In case you need to install also Optware you can follow this link
> but pay attention that, if I remember well, installing Optware destroys
> some links inside the QNAP folder structure which are vital for LMS,
> thus you need to re-install LMS as well.
> Finally, to install the few libraries needed for Shairunes2w to works,
> you should basically follow the same procedure as for the YouTube
> plugin, reperated for each of the new libraries and compiling them with
> the following commands:
> To install Crypt::OpensSSL::Bignum
> OPENSSL_PREFIX=/opt ../../bin/perl Makefile.PL
> To install Crypt::OpenSSL:Random
> ../../bin/perl Makefile.PL /LIBDIR /opt/lib /INCDIR /opt/include
> To install Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA
> ../../bin/perl Makefile.PL LIBS="-L/opt/lib -lssl -lcrypto"
> INC="-I/opt/include"
> (the latter command could be used also for ::Random)
> I made many trials, and I don't remember for sure, but I think I
> succeeded simply by searching for the latest version of each of them in
> CPAN, and then copying the link of the .tar.gz file and using it as
> explained in the YouTube_plugin link
> I hope this helps, the commands come from the sparse notes I took during
> my trials. And I should add: Shairtunes2W works like a charm!
> PS: are you sure Containers do not work for you? I thought they were OK
> for all QNAPs with Intel CPUs. Because in fact I also tried it, for the
> fun, and if I were to start a new installation on QNAP I would
> definitely go for it, it's super easy and smooth.

Thanks! I'll look into those for sure. I think I did most of the steps
already (as was explained on some post in this thread), but there were
still some errors, with this list you provided I'm positive I can
advance further :)

I was looking forward for the container station, seems the TS-259 Pro+
II is an ancient NAS already: wrote: 
> *Container Station is available from the QTS App Center (QTS 4.2 or
> above) for x86-based TS-x51, TS-x51+, TS-x51A, TS-x53, TS-x53A, TS-x53B,
> TBS-453A, TS/TVS-x63, TVS-x70, TVS-x71, TS/SS-x79, TS/TVS-x80, TVS-x82
> series, TS-1685, and TDS-16489U, and the ARM-based TS-x28, TS-x31P,
> TS-x31X, TS-x31+ series and TS-1635 with a minimum of 1GB RAM.

As a side note, in my opinion Qnap hasn't done so well with the
numbering of different model versions :D

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