I briefly used the Custom Artist Tag template to browse my music tagged
as SINGLE (to differentiate them from albums)

1.9 worked almost as I would like, but on 1.10 it seems to have stopped
working at altogether.

On 1.9 it detects the tags and lists the relevant tracks by artists,
then by the custom tag but then it tries to list albums but there
aren't any so they all show as "no album" before finally showing the
tracks. Is it possible to skip the album part when browsing?

Also when pressing the add button (on the player not the web interface)
it adds all the tracks not just the selected one even though I have the
"play only selected song" setting enabled. Does this setting not affect
Custom Browse?

On 1.10 it list all the matching artist but then says "No matching
songs, albums or artists were found"! Is there something else I need to

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