I have uploaded an updated version of the BBCiPlayer plugin to handle
the updated BBC feed.

The new version is V1.6.0 is just V1.5.4.5 + fix to recent problem.  I
have updated the test (V1.5.4.*) and release (V1.5.3) repo URLs to
enable user update the plugin easily.  

For users migrating from 1.5.3 - an additional feature under the "More
menu" is a segment index to "Listen Again" programs and the ability to
jump to a particular segment.

User of older version of 1.4 and 1.5 will have to update their repo URLs
to get V1.6.0.

Up to this week (17Sep18) only 7 days of programming available.  The
updated BBC feed has 30 days of programming. Some users may like to have
more than 7 days programming even though it can be cluttered if 30 days
are shown. A level of customisation has been added to the plugin.

The following URL demonstrates menu variants on Radio 4menu.  Use the
BBCiPlayer plugin settings to replace the default menu and afterwards


For the technical user who wish to customise their own menus via the
menu.opml file - the keys points are 
* the options are added at the end of the
"parser="Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCXMLParser?" as shown below.
* the main options are bykey (programs names) and byday (program
schedule).  Omit "byday" and there will be no schedule of programmes.
Omit "bykey" and there will be no list of programme.  
* There is an option for the maximum number of days to present
"filter:maxdays=15"  - 15 is an example - max is 30 ,default is 7
* if you have multiple menus for the same station you MUST add "nocache"
* Options needs to be prefixed by "&"  
* Triode provided additional filter options but I have never tested

Example of Schedule 15 days - as "bykey" has been omitted.

  <outline text="BBC Radio 4 FM 15 day schedule" 

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