IanHaynes wrote: 
> If I search for an album in the mobile view browse pane and then 'Play
> Now' it does play but the tracks don't get added to the playlist, which
> remains blank. All it shows at the top is '20 tracks (45:50)'
> When I switch to the desktop view the tracks are showing as normal.
> Refreshing the browser does then show all the tracks. 
> This happens in both Firefox v36 and Edge.
> Ian

That happens some times for me too, but I just right-click in the empty
Queue-area and choose "read again" (Ctrl-R) in Chrome. The list is
immediately populated.

2 Touch, 1 Picoreplayer 4.0.0 on RaspBerry 3B with 7" display
LMS latest nightly on Ubuntu 18.04.1 on Intel Core2 Duo E4500 @ 2.20GHz,
All wired
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