At the risk of being chastised again for wasting everybody's time...

Following the instructions I:
-added the repo
-selected the Materials skin to be installed
-clicked 'Apply'

The Materials skin disapeared from the list of Uninstalled plugins but
did not appear in the Installed list.
After closing the Settings screen and reopening, there was a message
stating that updated plug-ins were available. I again selected Material
Skin with the same result.

Rebooting LMS made no difference.
Nothing is installed in the
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins directory.

This is what appeared in the LMS log:
[18-11-21 11:45:03.7764] main::init (384) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.0, 0.126.20160422git1461319207, Fri Apr 22 18:01:34 BST 2016) perl
5.022002 - x86_64-linux-thread-multi
[18-11-21 11:45:08.3131] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) request
not dispatchable!

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