rgdawson wrote: 
> I bought a Surface Go, so now I can start discovering and working on
> issues related to running on a Surface with its touch interface as well
> as issues related to Windows S Mode.  Although SLX passes Windows S Mode
> code integrity tests I can run, and it passes Microsoft Store
> validation, and you can install it from the Store onto a device running
> Windows in S Mode, it does not run perfectly on a surface in S mode.
> First, the squeezelite player fails to run, and keeps trying and trying
> indefinitely.  I also notice that calls to the audio library (portaudio)
> fail, which may explain why squeezelite does not run, since it relies on
> portaudio.  I have no idea if I'll be able to make this work in S Mode,
> so until I do I will probably need to detect the condition and disable
> squeezelite if appropriate, limited SLX to controller only mode in that
> case.
> I hope to be able to address any issues with the touch interface as
> well.
> R Greg Dawson
> P.S.  So if you are running on a Surface Go, you should disable the
> player.

OK Nevermind above.  After the Surface Go finished all its updates,
squeezelite works just fine.  Yippee.  So I can focus on touch screen

R Greg Dawson

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