bpa wrote: 
> The BBCiPlayer plugin version is a bit like LMS version.
> LMS 7.7 is the "official" Logitech version of LMS
> LMS 7.9.* are community beta versions.
> You were using 1.3.* which is the last official version from Triode.
> Presumably you had patched it up to keep running with LMS 7.7
> After BBC made changes and to improve the plugin I took it over but
> created a separate repository for new BBCiPlayer versions currently
> 1.6.8
> Like you with LMS 7.7 and BBCiPlayer 1.3.* - there are other users of
> 1.3* and to change "official" BBCiPlayer repository and force upgrade
> all  (this include some 1.4 and 1.5 users) to 1.6 with a new repository
> would probably break their system and cause unnecessary grief and leave
> me having to handle a lot of unhappy users.I just installed LMS 8.0.0 and it 
> reports that iPlayer Extras is not
compatible with it. iPlayer itself is compatible.

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