hestbank wrote: 
> Thanks for the very clear instructions which I've saved for the future.
> Server Log attached.
> 30575

>From the log everything is setup right. Info come from two URLs and
because some info is displayed - I can see that the np.radioplayer.co.uk
request is failing.

This is one of the URLs that had to change in 1.6.9.  Also it is now
https (was just http) so there is a possibility OS needs an update.

In WebUI Settings/Information what is the version of "IO::Socket::SSL" .
If it is not V2.?? - then it needs to be updated.

  [20-06-04 11:07:41.0015] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::iPlayer::getMetadataFor (643)  
Get Metadata for client that is not isPlaying
  [20-06-04 11:07:42.0762] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCOnAir::_fetchOnAir (199) 
Current Segments Flag=1   Path=bbc_radio_two RadioPlayerid=342
  [20-06-04 11:07:42.0781] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCOnAir::_fetchOnAir (203) 
Fetching Radio segments info 
  [20-06-04 11:07:42.0864] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCOnAir::_fetchOnAir (225) 
Fetching radioplayer 
  [20-06-04 11:07:42.2363] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCOnAir::__ANON__ (236) error 
fetching RadioPlayer BBC  data while playing so try fetching again

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