Verulamius wrote: 
> ]For live the format is Composer - track title.
> For catchup the format is Track title - Composer.  (I suppose Composer
> may well = Artist).

BBC provides info in an inconsistent manner for all forms of
BBC provide live info in the form of Primary,  Secondary and Tertiary -
text fields. 
BBC provide Programme info in the form of Program Title and Programme
ShortDescription & Programme Long description
I take from RadioPlayer metadata - Programme Name and Programm

Catchup can have Programme Title, Programme Short Descriuption,
Programme long description, Brand Name & Episode.

In none of these is the concept of Artist, track , composer,
participants etc identified and there is no predictability which fields
are populated - for example at night a lot of live track info just

> Is this the reason why the composers pictures do not appear on Catchup?
The image is what BBC supplies with the Catchup program metadata.  If
you can description a browser based method which shows  other images on
Catchup - please provide the details.

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