hestbank wrote: 
> It returns:
> {"results":{"now":{"type":"PI","rpId":"342","serviceName":"BBC Radio
> 2","programmeName":"Jeremy Vine :
> 04/06/2020","programmeDescription":"Jeremy and guests discuss the news
> headlines and talk to the people making
> them.","imageUrl":"http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/86x48/p05nc8nh.jpg","startTime":"1591268400","stopTime":"1591275600"}},"total":1,"pollNext":60000}
> which I think is identical.

OK.  Looks like it is limited to LMS and the libraries it uses.

For completeness can you get the version of "openssl".  Usually from a
shell prompt the command " openssl version".

The workaround depends on your skills.  If you can edit a file on the
LMS system - then edit the file BBCOnAir.pm in the LMS
InstalledPlugins/Plugins/BBCiPlayer directory and at line 224 - change
the https to a http - save the file and restart LMS.

        my $url = "https://np.radioplayer.co.uk/qp/v3/events?rpId=";. 
$self->rpid . "&nameSize=200&descriptionSize=200";
        $log->info("Fetching radioplayer $url");

If you are not confident with editing - I'll supply a replacement file
with the change.

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