mherger wrote: 
> > This -might- not help, but if you edit handleScroll() in
> browse-page.js
> I didn't scientifially time this, but IMHO it didn't make any
> difference.

No real suprise, grasping at straws :)

mherger wrote: 
> I believe the biggest difference I see between your implementation and 
> the previous one is that I'd often get an all blank list with yours, 
> while the old would quickly give at least the textual content. Whether 
> the overall time between fully rendered lists changed much is hard to 
> tell. But it feels more broken when you don't see anything moving, but 
> just get a blank screen.

I'll have to experiment more - as from my experience, I quite often saw
blank when using the library implementation. Just to confirm; are you
scrolling lists or a grid?

mherger wrote: 
> BTW: would the server have any impact in a 500 vs. 1500 items list 
> (while scrolling)? Would you expect a noticable difference between the 
> two numbers of items?

Not really. I ask for all items in one go, so the initial fetch may be
slower - but subsequent fetches are from the browser's IndexDB file. But
once the initial list is on screen, providing the server has created the
images, there should be no differences. If images need to get created,
then there could be a difference there.

One more experiment, edit browse-page.js and change line 97 from:

  <img v-if="items[idx].image" :src="items[idx].image" 
onerror="this.src='html/images/radio.png'" v-bind:class="{'radio-img': 
SECTION_RADIO==items[idx].section}" class="image-grid-item-img"></img>


  <img v-if="items[idx].image" v-lazy="items[idx].image" 
:key="items[idx].image" onerror="this.src='html/images/radio.png'" 
v-bind:class="{'radio-img': SECTION_RADIO==items[idx].section}" 

and lines 143-144 from:

  <img v-if="items.length<=LMS_MAX_NON_SCROLLER_ITEMS" :key="item.image" 
v-lazy="item.image" onerror="this.src='html/images/radio.png'"></img>
  <img v-else :key="item.image" :src="item.image" 


  <img :key="item.image" v-lazy="item.image" 

This will lazy-load all images. I -think- I tried this before, but it
caused 'blinking' when scrolling.

Also, remember I'm trying to get this to an acceptable speed - not the
same as the current library (as I don't think that's possible with this
simple method).

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