mherger wrote: 
> > Michael, I enabled plugin.spotty to debugging level.  Also enabled
> the
> > general server and plugin to debug just for this time to send you the
> > debugged server.log.  I have now reset all but plugin.spotty to
> error,
> > and left plugin.spotty to debug until we get this issue resolved. 
> Also
> > sending the credentials.json file to you.
> Thanks for those files. I have absolutely no problem accessing your 
> collection using this credential files. Playlists organized in folders,
> quite a few songs etc. Are you sure your custom client ID is correct?
> You might also want to remove the cache.db from LMS' cache folder (while
> LMS is stopped!). The log shows that many requests are served from the 
> cache. Maybe there's some stale data in there which afterwards cannot be
> used with the new token or something.
> And I'd recommend to not leave logging in debug, but only INFO. Debug is
> super noisy and can create dozens of megabytes of log files in a short
> time.
> -- 
> Michael

Hello Michael,

I had stopped LMS until I could get back to this today as a precaution
to prevent my log files from getting too large.  That made it convenient
to wipe and touch the cache.db file as you recommended.

Apparently, that is all that was needed as I can now access spotty as
normal.  Also, my client ID must be OK or it would not work.

Thank you very much for you help.  Is there any way we can compensate
you for the help ?

Also thanks for the plugins and LMS support.

Stay Safe !

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