philippe_44 wrote: 
> As @bpa said, I think there is more to do, including handling HLS files
> as obviously dmixcloud indicates that it's also an available format, and
> this would probably solve the issue of some files not playing, but
> that's beyond my objectives.

Mixcloud provide URLs specifically to stream programs both live and
non-live. The chosen HLS format is using a newish option - fMP4
(fragmented MPEG-4). I am updating the playHLSv2 (no ffmpeg) plugin to
support this HLS/fMP4.  This is generic plugin as the HLS format is used
by many broadcasters,  it needs to satisfy more than just the Mixcloud
needs so take it is taking a bit longer to complete.

When complete, the Mixcloud plugin would need to be updated to support
to use the HLS URLs.  I am not sure whether the current plugin supports
finding the URLs for live streams.

The change to https by many stations and services has required LMS and
many users to upgrade system as shortcoming were exposed.  Support for
LMS under Windows is a bit harder as the Perl is version is stuck at
5.14 because support for the particular product used by LMS has ended
and the Perl vendor no longer updates the libraries. So some libraries
are getting a bit out of date and so other issues may appear from time
to time. Ralphy has been good at updating these libraries so far.

The number of developers on LMS plugin and core is still quite small and
their free time is finite. 
Orphan plugins are the hardest to deal with as devoting time to fix them
means less time to deal with other LMS issues and the prospect of later
calls for support.

Philippe has been exceptional in his efforts ( and courage) in adding
much needed code adding required modern features (e.g MP4, https, http
1.1, SqueezeAMP, numerous bridges etc.) to LMS core.

If anybody wishes to help & learn to add/fix code to LMS and/or plugins
- you will be supported as the pool of developers has to be increased
otherwise LMS may stagnate.

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