Hello. Maybe this issue is to do with the new update too then?

A scan of my music files will not complete. It appears to be something
to do with Spotty

[21-06-28 23:36:26.9030] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (577) Starting
Plugins::Spotty::Importer scan
[21-06-28 23:36:27.0324] main::main (338) Error: Failed when running
main scan: [Can't use string ("0a1b89f5") as a HASH ref while "strict
refs" in use at
line 141.
[21-06-28 23:36:27.0328] main::main (339) Error: Skipping post-process &
Not updating lastRescanTime!

If I look at the Spotty plugin settings there is this message:
"There has been a problem running the Spotty helper application. Please
make sure you have the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime (64-bit!) installed
on your system."

And Spotty is not working (Empty)

But it's worked up until now and I've not removed the Visual C++ Runtime
(or in fact done anything at all on the machine).
In fact on checking the machine I can see installed:

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86
Redistributable 10.0.30319
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable
(x86) - 14.0.23026

There is one oddity on this machine though:
System Type: 32-bit operating system (Windows 10), x64-based processor

Any idea what I should do? Should I just install Microsoft Visual C++
Runtime (64-bit!)?

Thanks for any help.

Oh, and Michael. Thanks for continuing to work on this stuff. It's very
much appreciated.

Take care of your tongue. It is in a wet place and can easily slip.
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